This is an extension method, so you'd have to call it with dataGrid1.Export();
public static class DataGridExtensions { public static void Export(this DataGrid dg) { SaveExportedGrid(ExportDataGrid(true, dg)); } public static void Export(this DataGrid dg, bool withHeaders) { SaveExportedGrid(ExportDataGrid(withHeaders, dg)); } private static void SaveExportedGrid(string data) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog() { DefaultExt = "csv", Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*", FilterIndex = 1 }; if (sfd.ShowDialog() ?? false) { using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(sfd.OpenFile())) sr.Write(data); } } private static string ExportDataGrid(bool withHeaders, DataGrid grid) { string colPath; System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo; System.Windows.Data.Binding binding; System.Text.StringBuilder strBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.Collections.IList source = (grid.ItemsSource as System.Collections.IList); if (source == null) return ""; List<string> headers = new List<string>(); grid.Columns.ToList().ForEach(col => { if (col is DataGridBoundColumn) { headers.Add(FormatCSVField(col.Header.ToString())); } }); strBuilder .Append(String.Join(",", headers.ToArray())) .Append("\r\n"); foreach (Object data in source) { List<string> csvRow = new List<string>(); foreach (DataGridColumn col in grid.Columns) { if (col is DataGridBoundColumn) { binding = (col as DataGridBoundColumn).Binding; colPath = binding.Path.Path; propInfo = data.GetType().GetProperty(colPath); if (propInfo != null) { csvRow.Add(FormatCSVField(propInfo.GetValue(data, null).ToString())); } } } strBuilder .Append(String.Join(",", csvRow.ToArray())) .Append("\r\n"); } return strBuilder.ToString(); } private static string FormatCSVField(string data) { return String.Format("\"{0}\"", data.Replace("\"", "\"\"\"") .Replace("\n", "") .Replace("\r", "") ); } }
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